
Children are the blueprint of our future, and how we raise them is the purest reflection of our own nature.  Young childhood is a time of critical importance.  Early experiences and conditions, whether with a parent or in care outside of the home with caregivers and/or teachers may shape intellect, emotions, social interaction, health, physical and cognitive development in ways that society is just now beginning to understand and acknowledge.  The high cost of housing in SLO County forces more and more parents into the workforce. In 2007, 57% of children 0 – 13 years were living in families with both parents in the workforce. More and more, parenting is a collaborative effort between parents, relatives, child care providers and in many cases, friends and neighbors.

 Whether you are a parent, teacher, program administrator or elected official, whenever you make any decision ask yourself and those around you, is it good for the children?

California Child Care Licensing  — Resources for Parents and Providers
This website includes videos that explain licensing topics relevant to families and licensed child care providers.  Learn more about how family child care homes and child care centers can protect and promote children’s health and safety.   www.ccld.childcarevideos.org


Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County addresses the causes of poverty, empowering low-income people to achieve self-sufficiency through community-based collaborations and programs.

The San Luis Obispo County Early Care & Education Planning Council, in partnership with families and the community, plans for and promotes the highest quality and accessible care for all children and youth.