
Quality Counts
Quality Counts San Luis Obispo is part of a statewide system called Quality Counts California, which helps to inform and connect parents and families to high-quality early learning and care programs, and ensures that infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children have quality early learning experiences in their local communities. Quality Counts San Luis Obispo also provides resources and support to early learning and care professionals so they can create nourishing and effective early learning and care programs that will help children to grow and thrive.
Local Resources
- R&R Network COVID-19 Parent Survey – Released September 2020
- Learning About the Coronavirus: Resources for Children and Families
- Coronavirus Information
- Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County (CAPSLO)
- The Link Family Resource Center
- Bilingual COVID-19 Information
- New SLO County COVID-19 Resource List
- Emergency Child Care Referrals
- COVID-19 Financial Relief Options Chart (as of May 14, 2020)
- Opciones de ayuda financiera del condado de SLO Covid-19 (desde el 8 de Abril del 2020)
- List of All SLO County School Meal Programs
- Local Health Access Information
- SLO County Eviction Suspension Order
- First 5 San Luis Obispo County
- Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County
- Actualizacion COVID-19 Condado de SLO
- Forms Available for Essential Workers and At-Risk Populations To Apply for Emergency Childcare Services
- WIC Eligibility Assessment
- Census 2020 – Be Counted
- Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
- Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans Immediately Available to Child Care Providers
- Stronger Together: A Guidebook for the Safe Reopening of California’s Public Schools
- 60 Digital Resources for Mental Health
- A Guide to Sleeping with Coronavirus Anxiety
Diversity and Inclusion
- Are your kids too young to talk about race?
- Anti-Racism for Kids 101: Starting to Talk About Race
- How Can We Broach Hard Conversations With Kids, From Race To COVID-19?
- Teaching Tolerance
- 31 Children’s books to support conversations on race, racism and resistance
- The National Association for the Education of Young Children Anti-Bias Resources
- American Psychological Association: Talking to kids about discrimination
- Embrace Race: 8 Tips for Talking to your Child and Racial Injustice
- Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education Position Statement (includes links to additional resources)
- The Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
- Teaching Tolerance Classroom Resources
- Children’s Responses to Crises and Tragic Events
- Building Resilience to Cope with Stress and Trauma
- Child Mind Institute: Racism and Violence
- How to Talk to Kids About Race and Racism
At Home Activities
- The Stay-at-Home Mom Survival Guide
- At Home Learning Ideas
- First Five Ca Activity Center
- Funin First Learning at Home Resources
- Crafts, activities, mazes, dot to dot…
- Voice based learning… learn through Alexa
- Digital learning content for preschool through high school
- ClickSchooling
- Quick & easy at home projects curated for kids 2 and up
- Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing
- Online homeschool platform & curriculum for Pre-K to 12th grade
- Zero to three
- 1,000 Free Resources
- 24 fun activities you can do with all of your kids together!
- Games for birth to age 2 HERE!
- Free printables library with activities for children 0-6
- A Better Way to Homeschool – Preschool through 8th grade
- PBS Learning
- PreK – 5 games for all subjects
- Online digital coloring pages
- Every course you could possibly want to homeschool preschool – 8
- Tons and tons and tons of games some learning some just fun
- Crafts, projects, science, recipes for young children
- Crafts, activities, bulletin board designs, and finger plays for early education teachers and parents to use with kids
- Ideas para planificar escuela en casa/My Homeschool Project
- Aprendiendo en casa
- PBS Kids – Daniel Tiger
- Social Story
- Free Music Classes
- 45 +Staycation Ideas
Social Emotional
- Books to share with children about the coronavirus
- De-stressing at home PBS
- Emotional literacy and self-regulation-scripted stories
- “Once I was Very Very Scared” book on youtube
- Sensory and Emotional Check In Apps by Center for Optimal Brain Integration
- Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
- Libro en español para hablar del Coronavirus con los niños. Great free children’s book in Spanish to help children and adults talk about Coronavirus, with a useful parent-guide in the back
- Supporting Families During Covid-19 Sitio puede cambiarse al español
- Taking Care of Yourself during Disasters: Info for Parents /Sition puede cambiarse al español
- Social y Emocional fundamentos importantes para el aprendizaje
Resources for Maker Ideas
- Instructables
- Left Brain – Craft Brain
- Spark! Lab
- Frugal Fun for Boys & Girls
- Sylvia’s Super- Awesome Maker Show
- 3 Free Weeks of Maker Stations to keep your children creating at home! Each challenge includes simple instructions using materials around the house, QR code video resources, and a student recording sheet
- A collection of hundreds of free K-12 STEM resources, from standalone models and simulations to short activities and week long sequences of curriculum materials
- Babble Dabble Do
- Backpack Science-Hands on science videos
Virtual Field Trips – Excursiones Virtuales
- National Park Tours online
- California Academy of the Sciences Lesson Plans Preschool-12
- Kids National Geographic
- Cincinnati Zoo to You Program
- Science Virtual Field Trips
- NASA site
- Monterey Bay Aquarium Live stream
- Great STEM resources (77 Simple STEM activities for families, STEM movies and more!!)
- The San Diego Zoo has a website just for kids with amazing videos, activities, and games. Enjoy the tour!
- This Canadian site FarmFood 360 offers 11 Virtual Tours of farms from minks, pigs, and cows, to apples and eggs
- Play games and learn all about animals
- Alaskan Wildlife cams
- Amphibian unit studies
- No need to travel to one of the Smithsonian’s zoos or museums — this website brings your child everything from live video of the National Zoo to the Smithsonian Learning Lab right to their screen
- Just explore, have fun, and learn some science along the way
- Guide to gardening for kids
- This educational website hosted by the Smithsonian Museum takes a deep dive into ocean life
- Reading Rockets: Activities on Bugs, Birds and Animals
- Reading Rocket- Activities on Detectives and Explorers
- Reading Rocket-Activities on Dinosaurs
- Reading Rocket-Nature and Our Green World
- Reading Rocket-Stars, Planets and the Night Sky
- Reading Rocket-Weather
- Reading Rocket DYI Science Camps-Space Rangers, River Rangers
- Fun Math Activities Using Everyday Things
- KhanAcademy, online courses from prek-college
- FunBrain math and reading games
- Mathscore:Math practice from counting to algebra and geometry
- Bedtimemath: Math as a fun part of your daily family routine
- Mathplayground: Math Games, Logic Puzzles and Brain Builders
- A New Focus on Familiar Fun Card Games
- Early Math Games-Erikson Institute
- Reading Rocket- Math and Measuring
- Actividades de matemáticas para preescolares
- Actividades de matematicas
- Aprende a contar-preescolar
- Canciones infantiles en español
- Scholastic Learn at Home: Grades PreK-K —Algunos puede cambiar a español
- Storylineonline: Favorite kids books read by famous people
- Free stories online ages 3-12
- Math and reading games
- Math and language games
- Funbrain: math and reading games
- Games to get “into the book”
- Astronauts reading Stories from Space
- “Not a Box” read aloud
- A Very Hungry Caterpillar- read aloud
- Cuentos en español
- Criar niños bilingües
- Como van a la escuela los dinosaurios (lectura de libro en video)
- Crisantemo (lectura de libro en video)
- Canciones infantiles de José Luis Orozco
Disclaimer: This list of online resources to support early childhood learning at home was gathered by Child Care Planning Council Staff. We can not endorse all sites as developmentally appropriate, although most come from reputable sites. Please use your discretion when deciding how much and what children are viewing online. To share more ideas please email
Descargo de responsabilidad: Esta lista de recursos de apoyo de aprendizaje en casa para los niños preescolares fue recopilada por Child Care Planning Council y ellas no se hacen responsables de que los enlaces proveídos sean de desarrollo apropiado, pero la mayoría vienen de redes con buena reputación. Por favor, úselas a su discreción y decida que y cuanto están viendo en línea los niños. Para compartir más ideas, envíenos un correo electrónico a