
Quality Counts

Quality Counts San Luis Obispo is part of a statewide system called Quality Counts California, which helps to inform and connect parents and families to high-quality early learning and care programs, and ensures that infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children have quality early learning experiences in their local communities. Quality Counts San Luis Obispo also provides resources and support to early learning and care professionals so they can create nourishing and effective early learning and care programs that will help children to grow and thrive.


Resources for Maker Ideas

Virtual Field Trips – Excursiones Virtuales

    Disclaimer: This list of online resources to support early childhood learning at home was gathered by Child Care Planning Council Staff. We can not endorse  all sites as developmentally appropriate, although most come from reputable sites. Please use your discretion when deciding how much and what children are viewing online. To share more ideas please email

    Descargo de responsabilidad: Esta lista de recursos de apoyo de aprendizaje en casa para los niños preescolares fue recopilada por Child Care Planning Council y ellas no se hacen responsables de que los enlaces proveídos sean de desarrollo apropiado, pero la mayoría vienen de redes con buena reputación. Por favor, úselas a su discreción y decida que y cuanto están viendo en línea los niños. Para compartir más ideas, envíenos un correo electrónico a

    The San Luis Obispo County Early Care & Education Planning Council, in partnership with families and the community, plans for and promotes the highest quality and accessible care for all children and youth.